Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Working with Filetables

    I have created an article sometime back about filetables but I have covered how to work with it. It’s now time for writing this article. In my earlier article you came to know what’s filetable and how it’s useful. Let’s now jump in to create and work with filetables. You need to satisfy all the…

  • August 2012 Month Presentation Materials

    First of all I would like to thank all the participants who came to the session. I could see some participants came at around sharply by 9.30 AM, that really inspires us. I could see many people registered however only half of them are able to make this, that’s fine.

  • August 2012 Month UG Scheduled

    We are happy to announce that we have scheduled August 2012 UG  session. We are starting back after a long time and we are trying to keep this every month. Hopefully we will be able to achieve this with you folks With all your interests we are starting from this month!! Please register yourself to…

  • SQL Server 2012 Certification

    SQL Server 2012 has been released with so many new features. Microsoft has changed SSMS 2012 core to integrate with Visual studio 2010 shell. This revamp is not only for features they also changed certification path for SQL Server 2012. Below are the new certification titles that comes with SQL Server 2012

  • Synonyms – SQL Server

    I was working in a project where we are using database mirroring as high availability solution. In the same instance we have multiple databases in which only critical databases are configured for database mirroring. As you know database mirroring scope is limited to database only which means dependent database are not failed over (which is…

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