August 2012 Month Presentation Materials

First of all I would like to thank all the participants who came to the session. I could see some participants came at around sharply by 9.30 AM, that really inspires us. I could see many people registered however only half of them are able to make this, that’s fine.

Ramkumar came to me and said he is interested to present “Performance tuning tools ” topic in short for 20~30 minutes. So before starting with the scheduled presentations we gave the first slot to RamKumar and he covered the tools which is used for performance analysis. Once he is done then we went for a break and had a chit chat. After this my sessions comes into picture and then followed by Madhi’s. My session comments will be given by the participants 😛 so nothing more on my topic. Madhi’s is good , trying to cover all possibility you will face when you work with NULL values, everyone had a good time.

Thanks to Ram & Madhi.

You can download the presentations and sample code from the below links

What’s there in SQL Server 2012 by VidhyaSagar

NULL, NULL and All about NULL by Madhivanan

Performance Tuning Tools by Ram Kumar

I request all the people who register for the event should attend it without fail. We are planning to keep the session every month and making this usergroup active.





2 responses to “August 2012 Month Presentation Materials”

  1. jahira avatar

    Where do i get update regarding this Group..i m interested to attend forth coming meets..

    1. VidhyaSagar avatar

      Jahira — You can join or ChennaiSQLServerUserGroup group in facebook to get updates.

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