Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • October 2012 UG Presentation Materials

    Thanks for the participants who attended without fail. This Ram & Madhi ran the show. I came to training center around 9.30 AM and I could see some folks waiting for the event, good start. I was chit chatting with them for some time then Ram enters the hall . I handed the session to…

  • FileStream FAQ

    I have consolidated some frequently asked questions for FileTable. I’ll try to cover as much as I can so that all your questions related to Filetable can be clarified. All these answers are based on SQL Server 2012 version these may change in future version and editions which I’ll be updating with the latest release.

  • October 2012 UG Scheduled

    We are happy to announce that we have scheduled October 2012 UG  session. After successful last UG meet we are scheduled for this month so now you can pass this information to all your colleagues \ friends and those who are interested in SQL Server. Entry is totally free so don’t miss the chance

  • September 2012 UG Presentation Materials

    It’s a rainy day and I was preparing my presentation for the event. Almost it’s 8.30 and I couldn’t see the sun it’s still raining so I thought participants may come or will come late. Keeping this in mind I was starting from home little late, in the mean time I called Ram to check…

  • September 2012 UG Scheduled

    We are happy to announce that we have scheduled September 2012 UG  session. After successful last UG meet we are scheduled for this month and planned earlier so now you can pass this information to all your colleagues \ friends and those who are interested in SQL Server. Entry is totally free so don’t miss…

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