Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Readonly database restoration failed

    In one of my project I was working on SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 upgradation. It’s a side by side upgrade so I need to restore the database from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008, in which some of the databases are readonly. I know I will be able to restore readonly…

  • Rollback in Data Import Task–SSIS

    I was working in a package and I was requested to set the import task as transaction consistent. In SSIS you can do all sorts of ETL stuff so when you import data you need to make sure the import is in consistent state which means either all the data should gets loaded or it…

  • File Exists Check in SSIS

    Couple of weeks back I was working with a SSIS package development. My requirement is to check whether the file exists before I start importing the data. If it doesn’t exist then the package should update the db table. When I heard this requirement I thought I can make use of the “File System Task”…

  • Installing SQL Server 2012

    This might be a simple article for the intermediate folks, however I would like to show you the screen’s in SQL Server 2012 installation. As far as I know the setup is similar to the one which we did for SQL Server 2008 R2, there are some additions to the installation part. Before jumping into…

Got any recommendations?