Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • xSQL Data Compare for SQL Server – Version 4

    The xSQL Data Compare tool has proved extremely useful for database administrators who are required to compare, replicate and generate data using an SQL Server database. It is already widely used throughout the world, but there is now an updated version available, version 4, which promises to offer a number of improvements.

  • What’s FileTable – Part 1

    Filetable is a new feature in SQL Server 2012 which allows application to access files that’s stored in disk via SQL Server, that’s the main function. In other words you can store files and directories to windows NTFS folders and these files can be accessed non transactional from application like regular file system. FileTables act…

  • AWE option no longer available in SQL Server 2012

    AWE (Addressing Windows Extension) is one of the know server configuration to everyone. This parameter allows SQL Server to access large amount of memory in 32 bit machines. However MS decided to depreciate this configuration in SQL Server 2012 (Denali) . I hope this is the first step towards depreciating all 32 bit SQL server…

  • Script to get data file usage and autogrowth details

    I’ve wrote this script to get data file allocated and used space. In addition to this I’ve also added auto growth setting details for the data file. Written two scripts for fetching the details, first one will get you the details for one database and second one will give you the details for all the…

  • January 2012 UG Scheduled

    First of all Happy new year to everyone. Hope it should be a good start for everyone. We have planned user group meeting this month. Going to start with fresh look on SQL Server Denali aka SQL Server 2012. SQL Server 2012 is expected to reach market by this year, so this month topic is…

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