This script will get job details for all the jobs
Applies to
- SQL Server 2000
- SQL Server 2005
- SQL Server 2008
select,a.step_name,c.message, case c.run_status when 0 then 'Failed' when 1 then 'Succeeded' when 2 then 'Retry' when 3 then 'Canceled' when 4 then 'In progress' else 'NO STATUS' END as 'status' ,substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6),c.run_time), 6), 1, 2) + ':'+ substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), c.run_time), 6) ,3 ,2) + ':'+ substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6),c.run_time), 6) ,5 ,2) as run_time ,substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '00000000') + convert(varchar(8),c.run_date), 8), 1, 4) + '/' + substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '00000000') + convert(varchar(8), c.run_date), 8),5 ,2) + '/' + substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '00000000') + convert(varchar(8),c.run_date), 8),7 ,2) as run_date from msdb..sysjobsteps a, msdb..sysjobhistory c,msdb..sysjobs b where a.step_id=c.step_id and a.job_id=c.job_id and a.last_run_date=c.run_date and a.last_run_time=c.run_time and a.job_id=b.job_id order by run_date, run_time
Copy the script and execute in query analyzer or management studio
Sample Output
Name | Step_Name | Message | Status | Run_time | Run_date |
test | test | Executed as user: WIN-JALZJSOFWJMSYSTEM. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0xAE0CB76412BB6C478A87F81465F33C34 (reason: %1 is not a valid Win32 application). The step failed. | Failed | 20:25:01 | 2008/11/03 |
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