I was doing an upgrade of one of our development servers to SQL Server 2008. To minimize the downtime I decided to attach all the user databases using script. Basically, I am attaching the db from the same location there were present earlier to being detached.
Consider the following example, If I have a database named “Test” in SQL 2005 that is currently residing in the following locations, C:databaseTest.mdf & C:databaseTest_log.ldf and another database named “Test_2008” in C:temptest_2k8.mdf & C:temptest2k8_log.ldf then the script I wrote would prepare the script to attach the database test from the same location.
Following are the steps I did prior to upgrading:
1. Run the attach all user database script. The o/p of which will give a script to attach all the databases which are in C:database and C:temp etc.
2. Run the detach all user database script, which will detach all the user databases.
3. Install SQL Server 2008 and related services.
4. Run the o/p of step1, which will eventually attach all the user databases from their respective positions they were earlier prior to getting detached.
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM sys.objects WHERE TYPE = 'P' AND NAME = 'AttachAllUserDatabases') BEGIN EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[AttachAllUserDatabases] AS RETURN') END GO ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.AttachAllUserDatabases AS BEGIN DECLARE @dbname varchar(200) DECLARE @sql varchar(max) DECLARE @server_name varchar(200) DECLARE @currentdate varchar(200) DECLARE @dypart1 varchar(2) DECLARE @dypart2 varchar(3) DECLARE @dypart3 varchar(4) SET @server_name=@@SERVERNAME SET @dypart1 = datepart(dd,getdate()) SET @dypart2 = datename(mm,getdate()) SET @dypart3 = datepart(yy,getdate()) SET @currentdate= @dypart1 + @dypart2 + @dypart3 PRINT 'Print ''#####################################################################''' PRINT 'Print ''# SERVERNAME : ' + @server_name + ' DATE : ' + @currentdate +' #'' ' PRINT 'Print ''#####################################################################''' DECLARE dbname CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master','msdb','model','tempdb') -- excluding the system databases ORDER BY name ASC OPEN dbname FETCH NEXT FROM dbname INTO @dbname WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS=0) BEGIN PRINT '' PRINT 'GO' SET @SQL='sp_attach_db ' + @dbname + ',' + (SELECT STUFF((SELECT '' + ', ' + '''' + Physical_name + '''' FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id=db_id(@dbname) FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')) PRINT @sql PRINT 'GO' PRINT 'Print ''The database ' + @dbname + ' has been attached successfully''' PRINT 'GO' FETCH NEXT FROM dbname INTO @dbname END CLOSE dbname DEALLOCATE dbname END
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