Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • MERGE Statement – SQL Server 2008

    In earlier versions of SQL Server in order to perform INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE we have to have separate T-SQL statements. With the introduction of SQL Server 2008 we have MERGE statement which helps in simplifying this. It allows us to perform DML operations based on certain JOIN conditions in single statement.

  • How to change Server Collation in SQL Server 2005

    In this article we are going to discuss about changing SQL Server 2005 collation at serverlevel. While installing SQL Server 2005 we may miss to choose the right collation and we need to rectify this by changing the collation at serverlevel. You can change the collation of sql server without uninstalling. Lets discuss the necessary…

  • Table Valued Parameter – SQL 2008

    A new T-SQL feature is available in SQL Server 2008 which allows us to pass a set of rows as a parameter to stored procedures or functions. Table-Valued Parameter (TVP) allows us to send multiple rows of data to a stored procedure or a function without the need to pass so many parameters or creating…

  • Policy Based Management – SQL Server 2008

    This article discusses the new feature named Policy Based Management in SQL Server 2008. Policy Based Management is an extensive management configuration that can be used to manage servers, databases and objects. Policy Based framework provides a way to define policies that apply to servers, databases and objects. With Policy based Management framework, you can…

  • Temp table VS Table variable

    Most of the SQL Developers/DBA would have come across a situation where they need to store the temporary result sets. This is where Temp tables and Table variables come into effect and helps in storing the data sets in a temporary location.

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