A new T-SQL feature is available in SQL Server 2008 which allows us to pass a set of rows as a parameter to stored procedures or functions. Table-Valued Parameter (TVP) allows us to send multiple rows of data to a stored procedure or a function without the need to pass so many parameters or creating temp tables.
I have the following table for which I am going to formulate the steps of using TVP:
--Creating a table which holds employee information CREATE TABLE Employee ( EmployeeId INT, Name VARCHAR(50), PhoneNo INT )
Creating a Table type and define its structure as shown below,
--Creating a table type CREATE TYPE EmpType AS TABLE ( EmployeeId INT, Name VARCHAR(50), PhoneNo INT )
The below query output indicates whether the Type is an user defined type and if its a table type.
SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE is_user_defined=1 AND is_table_type=1
Use the below command to grant access to the type we had created above,
We can view the above created type in SSMS > Object explorer > Expand dbname > Types.
Creating a procedure which has a parameter of the above mentioned Table type. We need to use only a READONLY parameter to the stored procedure.
--Creating procedure to insert data CREATE PROCEDURE InsertEmployee @Emp EmpType READONLY AS INSERT INTO Employee SELECT * FROM @Emp
The below query indicates will return all the objects which have a read only parameter as the above procedure.
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS Objectname, name AS Parametername FROM sys.parameters WHERE is_readonly=1
We need to declare a table variable, populate the data into the table variable and then Execute the procedure.
--Populate data into table variable and calling the sp DECLARE @Tablevariable AS EmpType INSERT INTO @Tablevariable VALUES(1000, 'ABC',918789890), (1001, 'DEF',918782190), (1002, 'GHI',918789430), (1003, 'JKL',918787990), (1004, 'MNO',918489890), (1005, 'PQR',918869890) EXEC deepak.dbo.InsertEmployee @Emp=@Tablevariable
Lets check if the data is available in the Employee table using the below query. It will return 5 records.
SELECT * FROM Employee
- TVP do not acquire locks for the initial population of data from client
- They perform well for inserting <1000 rows
- Statistics are not maintained on columns in TVP
- TVP parameter can only be Read only and hence DML operations like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are not permitted.
- TVP can be used in the FROM clause of SELECT INTO or in INSERT EXEC string or stored procedure. However they cannot be used as a target of SELECT INTO or INSERT EXEC statements.
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