Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • How to Move mirrored database files

    The following article describes how to move the database files of a mirrored database to a new location without any downtime. Basically I have the following scenario:

  • Index Fragmentation in SQL Server 2005

    Index fragmentation is a phenomenon where the index contents are scattered. Normally the contents are in contiguous fashion which helps in fast retrieval of the underlying data. When the indexes are fragmented the data access becomes time consuming because of the scattered data that needs to be searched and read.

  • SQL Server 2005 Best Practices

    This article lists the best practices for SQL Server 2005

  • Query tuning steps

    Most of the DBAs new to query tuning would wonder where to start in order to tune a query. I hope this article would probably guide them in understanding the steps to begin with.

  • Moving Index to a separate Filegroup

    To improve the query performance we decided to have separate filegroup for indexes. We decided to move the indexes of very large tables indexes to the new filegroup. Our intention was to separate the index from the data i.e. have the table data (Clustered index) in one filegroup and Nonclustered indexes in another separate filegroup…

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