Tag: stretch database
SQL Server 2016 – Drop \ Disable Database \ Table Stretch Feature
It’s been a week I was playing around this new feature. Now I’m going to drop\disable this feature so save some $ in my Azure subscription 🙂
SQL Server 2016 – Playing Around Stretch database
I started testing the stretch tables quite some time and thought of blogging the experience.
SQL Server 2016 – Identifying Tables to Stretch to Azure Cloud
Yesterday I covered what’s strecthing a database to cloud. Today I’m going to cover how to identify the tables which can stretch to Cloud. In most of the cases you knew which table we can move however if you are not sure when one then you can make use of this tool. I’m going to…
SQL Server 2016 – What’s Stretch Database
One of the new feature that’s going to accompany in SQL Server 2016. There is a significant improvement in the hardware sector moving into SSD, flash disk etc which increases the cost of hardware. Holding all the historical or archieve data in to this high performing disks is going to cost you more, assuming you…