Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Variable and Assignment enhancements

    Variable and assignment enhancements are small plus points in SQL Server 2008. We have around 4 things to discuss under this and they are below. All of these are mostly helpful to developers. Declare Statement Compound Assignment Operators Row Constructors Table Valued Parameter (TVP) Lets discuss on this titles one by one

  • Error: 7139, Severity: 16, State: 1

    Last week in our company we have started facing some error while uploading documents to the table. We have an database in which we will be uploading all the documents related to the customers, when the user tries to upload the document he she gets the error message as shown below

  • Utilizing SQL 2005 Performance Dashboard in SQL Server 2008

    I got a question from one of our UG member. He asked whether we can use SQL Server 2005 performance dashboard with SQL Server 2008. When we tried at the session we failed to implement it in SQL2K8. I was just thinking this today and planned to try this. I found out the reason why…

  • September 2009 Month Presentation Materials

    As always conducting our 3rd User group meeting was a real fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The other main aspect of this meeting was that we had twice the number of people than it was for the previous UG meeting. Yes, we ended up with 21 members and conference room was completely full. We…

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