Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • SQL Server Joins

    SQL Server joins are required to retrieve data from one or more tables to get a single result set. Joins are needed when Normalization enforced in design. When you normalize the data you be reducing redundancy in data by placing data in different tables and also you will be creating relationship between the tables. With…

  • Merge Drop Slipstream Setup

    In my previous article we have discussed about Basic slipstream setup, now Im going to write a article on Merged Drop slipstream setup. In this method you will be merging the service pack with the base setup prior to the installation there by altering the source or base setup files. The merged setup package can…

  • Basic Slipstream Setup

    In my previous article Ive posted about slipstream and we have discussed about its methods. In this article Im going to write about creating basic slipstream setup in SQL Server 2008. In this method you will be merging the service pack with the base setup at the time of installation. This method is very simple…

  • SlipStream in SQL Server 2008 Setup

    Slipstream is a feature expected in earlier version of SQL server itself however from SQL Server 2008 SP1 its included. This is one of the most expected thing in SQL Server by DBAs since windows operating system has the feature already and the system admins can easily update their setup packages. Now we have the…

  • December Month UG Presentation materials

    On 19th December we have conducted our UG in Microsoft Training Center, Chennai. We are pleased to provide you the presentation materials used in user group.

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