Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • May Month UG Presentation Material

    We are happy to provide you the contents used in May month UG. This month we have conducted in Microsoft office and the day starts lazy for me as it’s Saturday Morning.  You know our UG folks gave me energy to start the day. One of our UG member Rama Mohana Rao who is the…

  • May 2011 UG Scheduled

    Time to rock again this month with Venkat and Rami’s session. The sessions which we left last month will be continued by both the speakers. Thanks for your time to vote for conference room and rating for speakers however I could see only few participants voted. Going forward please give us feedback, this will help…

  • April 2011 Month UG Meet Write Up

    April event is the second SQL Server user group meet in this year. As you all know Mr. Pinal Dave has stepped into our meet this time and its nice to meet him after Teched. We planned to start it by 9.30 AM however we could see some of the participants already reached the venue…

  • April 2011 UG scheduled

    Hey Folks, We are back this month with wonderful guest attending our UG meet with two sessions, one is for DBA track and another is for DEV track. Its none other than super star Mr.Pinal Dave.

  • Troubleshoot backup restore issues with trace flag 3004

    I faced an issue during restoration of very large db in our development database server. Issue is restoration takes very long time even though we had latest hardware and recent version of SQL Server (it’s SQL 2008 Ent. Ed). So to troubleshoot it I have used the trace flag 3004 which print all internal things…

Got any recommendations?