April 2011 Month UG Meet Write Up

April event is the second SQL Server user group meet in this year. As you all know Mr. Pinal Dave has stepped into our meet this time and its nice to meet him after Teched. We planned to start it by 9.30 AM however we could see some of the participants already reached the venue by 9 AM itself, appreciate their interest in learning things. The day has started somewhat ok because you know power cut happened on the entire Chennai and we couldnt get any other conference hall at that time. Venkat has jumped with his office colleagues and he managed to get a generator with in 45 min, which I wanted to really appreciate him and all the efforts he has taken to bring the power back. Thanks Venkat.

Damn! All the participants are really wonderful , at 40 degrees with no fan everyone of you listening at Pinals speech to get more knowledge on SQL Server, that really makes us to work faster. Thanks to Pinal for covering the session till we arrange power for the event. I know for him after getting into Bangalore this might be worst sunny day for him. However once power is back, Rami Reddy done a wonderful job in covering the session on Estimation plan. Rami has crossed his time limit , you know why, he has gone in depth on what he is trying to explain the participants. Thats really great session Rami and I hope all the participants had something taken from you. The next session is by Venkat which is on Management Data warehouse however we ran out of time hence he covered the overview in this meet. In the next meet you can find part 2 on estimation plan from Rami and lots on Management Data warehouse.

We personally thank Mr. Pinal Dave for attending our hot session Smile, you know why I say hot.

Participants I need two things from you guys. First is provide feedback on the session you attended, this will help us to perform better next time and help us to improve. In addition to this I need you to poll which venue can we use, Microsoft Conference Room (Radhakrishnan Salai, Chennai) or Conference room in Kashiv Infotech (Anna Nagar, Chennai) so that we will arrange the same next time.

For Ramis feedback please visit http://speakerrate.com/talks/7405-understanding-sql-server-execution-plans-part-1

For polling

 [poll id=”2″]

Some snapshots taken during the meet

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3 responses to “April 2011 Month UG Meet Write Up”

  1. Mahadevan N avatar
    Mahadevan N

    First I would like to thank you Mr.Pinal Dave for your great presence here and your support of Truth Network.
    Rami and venkat did great thing which is share the knowledge to others. Thank you for this. I m awaiting for Rami’s
    Part 2 execution Plan!!.
    A special thanks to all who assisted to make the power back!

  2. shree avatar

    Vidyasagar, Can u please help me with real datawarehouse MT v6 sample database, I’m trying to find a download source but couldn’t able to find one… can u please mail me bak file..

    any help would be highly appreciated .

    thanks in advance

    1. VidhyaSagar avatar

      Unfortunately I dont have realtime data warehouse db… you can use Adventureworks sample database from Microsoft

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