Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Day 4–Trace Flag 3502–Log Checkpoint information to errorlog

    Have you ever tried to capture when CHECKPOINT is happening to the database? If not then you can utilize trace flag 3502 to capture CHECKPOINT information to errorlog. You need to add this trace flag to SQL Server startup parameter to capture these information when CHECKPOINT triggers. This will help you to analyze how frequently…

  • Day 3–Trace Flag 3688–Suppress Trace information from Errorlog

    In one of our development server we will be frequently running trace files to capture information for performance trouble shooting. However this in turn writes so many entries about trace file in errorlog which fills the errorlog. Errorlog entry is big and we are not to search it easily so to avoid the trace information…

  • Day 2–Trace Flag 1807–Attach Network data file

    Today we are going to see how can we attach data file exists in network share with the help of trace flag 1807. By default SQL Server 7,2000 and 2005 will not allow you to attach data file that exists in network share. This is the default behavior because attach database file from network share…

  • Day 1 – Trace Flag 3604 & 3605

    Today I’m going to cover trace flag 3604 & 3605. These two trace flags are used to print information’s or output from DBCC commands. As far as I know these two trace flags are widely used to get output for DBCC IND & DBCC PAGE commands. These two commands will not print anything unless or…

  • Enable \ Disable Trace flags in SQL Server

    Trace flags are required for temporary purpose to analyze server level characteristics or behaviors during a course of action. It helps the DBA \ developers to troubleshoot the server. I’m not going deep into trace flag as this article I’m going to cover how to enable or disable trace flag for an instance of SQL…

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