Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Day 8 – Trace Flags 2544 & 2546 – Generate Full dump from SQL Server

    Today we are going to see two trace flags which is going to help for troubleshooting purposes. These two trace flags will get you full SQL Server dump by using the undocumented DBCC command.

  • July 2011 UG presentation Material

    We had wonderful session this month. I reached the venue on time and I could see some of the participants and after some time everyone started reaching the venue. I really appreciate all the participants who came to the session , it’s really nice to see you guys. I have started my session and then…

  • Day 7–Trace flag 2528 disable parallelism in maintenance DBCC

    Happy Weekend folks. Today let me discuss about trace flag 2528 which will disable parallelism on maintenance DBCC. By using this trace flag it disables parallel checking of objects by DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP, and DBCC CHECKTABLE commands. By default parallelism is enabled and it will look for max degree of parallelism to utilize parallel…

  • Day 6–Trace Flag 1117– Auto Grow Equally in all Data file

    Today we are going to see the trace flag 1117. Have you ever heard or read that all your data file should be in same size? Wonder why? Let’s assume you have four files in a database which is not equally sized then SQL Server will utilize the data file which is largest in size,…

  • Day 5–Trace Flag 1118–Allocate Uniform extent to tempdb objects

    Have you ever faced allocation contention problems with tempdb database in SQL Server 2000? If yes then you might be ended up with the recommendation to enable trace flag 1118** as per or By default when you create a temporary object it will allocate a single page to that object searching SGAM however…

Got any recommendations?