• Performance View on INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN

    Hope you guys are getting ready for Diwali Festival :-). Before you guys start with the festival event I thought of writing an article on performance.  Couple of days ago one of the developer came to me and said he was using  an INNER join in his query and he is getting delay in results,…

  • Synonyms – SQL Server

    I was working in a project where we are using database mirroring as high availability solution. In the same instance we have multiple databases in which only critical databases are configured for database mirroring. As you know database mirroring scope is limited to database only which means dependent database are not failed over (which is…

  • Pagination in Result Set – OFFSET \ FETCH – SQL Server 2012

    Today I’m going to discuss another new feature in SQL Server 2012. Pagination in result set is a new feature in SQL Server 2012. ORDER BY clause in SQL Server 2012 is enhanced with additional parameters that is OFFSET and FETCH. Using this parameter allows you to fetch data from a particular page from result…

  • Conversion Functions – SQL Server Denali

    Microsoft released 3 new conversion function in SQL Server Denali. In which two functions will tell you whether the action is possible the third one will give you the result. Below are the three  conversion functions Try_Convert Parse Try_Parse

  • CHOOSE Function – SQL Server Denali

    SQL Server Denali comes with one more new logical function which helps to pull data at the specified index from a list of values. CHOOSE() is the function that’s been added. Again this function exists in Access , so if you migrate the db from Access there is no need to rewrite your query using…