Tag: script
Backup Report
I was working on one the project and they were looking for a backup report which should specify whether it’s physical or logical and few more details. Whatever data I fetched looks good and I felt the same can be helpful for you guys to pull it as a report. If you need any more…
T-SQL Script to find the names of the StoredProcedure that has used dynamic SQL
This article has the script that will be useful to find the names of the Stored procedure that has used dynamic sql within the definition of the Stored procedure . In this post , I am creating a sample database with four stored procedures to show an example on how the script works :
Retrieve Auditing Configuration Details
Script to retrieve auditing configuration details in sql server. Auditing feature is released from SQL Server 2008 onward so if you have utilized this feature then you can make use of this script to get quick information about audit configuration.
Find Indexed column details in a database
I was looking for a script to find out the indexed column details as part of our migration. I tried to use sp_helpindex however it requires a object name which means you can find details for only one table at a time. My requirement is to get details about all indexed columns across the database…
Script to CHECK Startup procedures in SQL Server
Today while checking a server for SQL Server startup performance issue, Im in thought of listing the startup procedures and to analyze those procedures for any issues. But when I Googled & I couldn’t find any script to list out the startup procedures, hence Ive written a script to list the startup procedures. Im sharing…