Tag: high availability
Steps to configure SQL server Availability Groups in DENALI
In this blog post I will drive you through configurations steps required (with GUI screens) to successfully implement SQL server’s new high availability option called “ALWAYSON” aka HADR . If you haven’t read more about Always ON or Availability groups in SQL server code named “Denali” version, here are some articles that I would recommend…
Installing SQL Server 2008 Clustering on Windows Server 2008
In this webcast we are going to install SQL Server 2008 Clustering on Windows server 2008. Ive already made my both the nodes clustered with Windows server 2008 and the details are below.
Installing MSDTC as Cluster Aware Service
This is my first webcast for sql-articles.com. In this article we are going to discuss on Installing MSDTC as cluster aware service on Windows server 2008. We need this service as cluster aware because this is the pre-requisites when configuring SQL Server 2008.
Configuring Failover Clustering in Windows Server 2008
I have planned to configure SQL Server 2008 clustering on Windows Server 2008 Clustering. To do this, first I need to configure Windows Server Clustering. Now a days DBA’s are not only working on RBMS platform, they should also have sufficient knowledge in their operating system on which their RDBMS is running. As a DBA…
Validating Replication Subscriber using TSQL
Last post from me on SQL Server replication was on How to validate subscribers in SQL Server Replication. This article shows how the same can be done using TSQL. sp_publication_validation: This system stored procedure does a validation for each and all articles in the specified publication in transactional replication. This stored procedure is executed against…