Tag: cssug; chnsqlug; user group

  • March 2013 UG Meet

    March 2013 UG is finally scheduled !! We are stepped into one more month and this month UG is scheduled on 30th March. We hope to see you all again this month with the same energy. Pass this information to your friends who can join the event. We are expecting more participants.

  • July 2011 Month UG Scheduled

    We are back again this month. We are going to post pone this month UG a week , that is to first week of August.  You know why ? We have a fantastic SQL Server guest for UG this month. He voluntarily  wanted to take a session for Chennai folks. It’s none other than the…

  • May Month UG Presentation Material

    We are happy to provide you the contents used in May month UG. This month we have conducted in Microsoft office and the day starts lazy for me as it’s Saturday Morning.  You know our UG folks gave me energy to start the day. One of our UG member Rama Mohana Rao who is the…