Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • SQL Server maintenance Job Deletion Error

    I have found in discussion forums regarding the error given below when you try to delete a job that was part of maintenance.

  • Linked Server – Part 1

    What is Linked Server? Linked server is a concept in SQL Server to access external data sources. This external data sources can be Access, Oracle, Excel, SQL Server or almost any other data system that can be accessed by OLE or ODBC. Where it is used?? A linked server configuration enables SQL Server to execute…

  • Testing Cluster Configuration

    Most people never like to test what they can done. Assuming that things have been done perfectly which results in a situtation of panic sometimes. So i thought that i could let you all know the steps to check after completing a cluster configuration.

  • Renaming a Failover Clustering Instance of SQL Server

    Can you rename the SQL virtual name in a Cluster? The answer for this in SQL Server 2005 is obviously Yes. New to SQL Server 2005 is the ability to rename a clustered instance of SQL Server without having to uninstall and reinstall it.

  • Getting Information on SQL Server Cluster

    SQL Server 2005 arguably gives the best resources to see if the instance is clustered or not. And if so, what are the properties of the cluster. The DMVs that are related to the Cluster can be used for this. These DMVs are very useful for a new DBA joining a company who can easily…

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