Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Determine which objects exist in a particular filegroup

    This script will help you to determine the objects existence in a filegroup. You can get on which file group does a object exists. Change dbname before using the script.

  • Creating Linked server to MYSQL from SQL Server

    In this article we going to look into creating a heterogeneous linked server. i.e. We are going to create a linked server to MYSQL database server from SQL Server environment and then going to query datas from MYSQL. First step in heterogeneous linked server is to create a ODBC connection to that RDBMS platform. For…

  • Launching Chennai SQL Server User Group

    We are proud to announce that today we are launching Chennai SQL Server Users Group shortly tagged as “CSSUG“. There would be more events, posts and discussions from members of the group. Please register in PASS and select our user group as chapter. Contact Details below

  • Migrating Access Database to SQL Server

    I recently received a call from one of my friend asking me, what is the easiest way to migrate a database from ACCESS to SQL Server? I was curious on answering his question and just went for a search in internet to find it was much simple than what I expected. This article describes the…

  • Cross Domain Windows Authentication for SQL Server databases

    There are many acquisitions these days and the DBA and sysadmins have a great tasks of doing a cross-domain authentication to their servers and databases. System admins have various options to connect interdomain where as DBA has to look up for it. Here is a solution that one can try using to access databases in…

Got any recommendations?