Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • IP Address Blocking or Restriction in SQL Server

    I have seen some questions in forums asking for the answer is it possible to block connections to SQL Server based on IP address. As far as now there is no official way in SQL Server to block the connections in SQL Server based on IP address. However this can be done from the OS…

  • Configuring Data Compression

    In this article we are going to configure Data compression in SQL Server 2008. Configuring data compression is very easy with just an couple of steps. The steps are below Estimate the Compression Ratio (Optional) Configure Data Compression

  • Types of Data Compression

    In my previous article we have seen the need for compression, goal of compression etc. In this article we are going to discuss the types of compression supported in SQL Server 2008. There are two types of compression supported and they are Row Level Compression and Page Level Compression Lets discuss on each compression type

  • November Month UG Presentation materials

    On 21st November we have conducted our UG in Microsoft Training Center, Chennai. We are pleased to provide you the presentation materials used in user group.

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