Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • September 2011 UG Scheduled

    Next session is ready for this month. We skipped last month as we had a session on first week of August so lets have a wonderful UG this time

  • New DMV’s in SQL Server 2011 aka Denali

    Denali CTP3 is already released and we have new DMV’s accompanied with this version which will be very useful for us. I’m going to cover the DMV that are all generic and not to a specific feature of Denali, I’ll will cover those DMV’s while writing article on that feature. There are around 8 DMV’s…

  • How to Rename Your existing Report Server Database

    Have you ever faced in a scenario where you are required to rename existing database. While dealing with one my client I have installed reporting server and during RS configuration I’ve chosen the default settings while creating the database so it created the reporting server dbname as ReportServer and ReportServerTempdb and RS working fine.

  • Steps to configure SQL server Availability Groups in DENALI

    In this blog post I will drive you through configurations steps required (with GUI screens) to successfully implement SQL server’s new high availability option called “ALWAYSON” aka HADR . If you haven’t read more about Always ON or Availability groups in SQL server code named “Denali” version, here are some articles that I would recommend…

  • Day 14–Trace Flag 3505–Control SQL Server Checkpoint Behavior

    What’s is checkpoint? Checkpoint is a process which will write all dirty pages (modified page in buffer cache which is not written to disk) from buffer cache to disk. It helps in recovery time of the database so that when the database start’s up there is no need to do this for all dirty pages,…

Got any recommendations?