Data Engineering – Learn from the experts

  • Generate Permission script for an object or all object

    In the DBA world it’s necessary to pickup permissions for an object for all objects when he\she deploys the code. During deployment if the code has DROP and CREATE then it’s obvious that what ever permission you have assigned to that object will get lost so as a first step you need to script out…

  • Batch script to deploy multiple SQL files

    I was working on a project where I’m supposed to deploy lots of SQL Server script files (.sql). It’s very tedious job either to manually execute or to write a batch script each time when the deployment moves to another environment. So I decided to write a batch script which should be dynamic in nature…

  • June 2013 UG Meet

    We are back in track for this month UG. I got the confirmation for this month on 22nd so please get registered yourself. Please don’t skip registration as this helps in getting support from Microsoft.

  • May 2013 UG Meet

    I was planning for a big event on on May but due to some reasons we are not able to proceed as per schedule. Initially we have planned to skip April month UG because of this event. Soon we will reschedule the big event so watch out UG space for more updates. In the mean…

  • Creating Oracle Linked Server in SQL Server

    I wrote multiple articles on heterogeneous linked server which helped user to connect to Sybase , SQL Server & MySQL RDBMS platforms. However I missed creating Oracle linked server , many users responded to write an article on this so I decided to complete it. As you know when you create a heterogeneous linked server…

Got any recommendations?