Category: Scripts

  • Detach User Databases

    I started side by side upgrading SQL 2000 to SQL 2005, at that time I need to detach all the user databases from the source server and need to attach the same in destination server. Source server has almost 80 user databases and I feel bored to detach all the database one by one which…

  • Backup Script with Retention

    Introduction: SQL Backup script is available all over most of the online resources. I couldn’t find a script to take care of retention also, so Im writing this script as procedure to take care of retention too. This script will take full backup of all the databases.

  • Encryption & Decryption

    These scripts can be used encrypt and decrypt data in a table. This can be used in columns with data integer and characters. This can be useful when you need to save your data in a format that no one can read. Only the DBA who knows the integer key value to return back can…

  • List Orphan ID’s

    This script displays the list of orphan SQL Server accounts from all the databases. This script is applicable for version greater than SQL 2000.

  • Check if /3GB is configured or not

    This script is used to check whether the 3gb switch is configured or not in the boot.ini file. This script is applicable for SQL server 2005 and above.