Category: Articles

  • Dropping a Subscriber from AG Publisher

    Today one of my colleague reached out to me for an help to drop a subscriber from an publisher which is participating in Always On. We seen same behavior in UI and in T-SQL statement. As a start I was looking online for help to resolve this issue. I found an KB article from Microsoft…

  • Provisioning Azure Cosmos DB using Powershell

    Provisioning Azure Cosmos DB using Powershell

    Azure Cosmos database is one of the NoSQL database that is available in Microsoft Azure cloud platform. Azure Cosmos db is getting more popular compared to other NoSQL databases in the cloud market so many organisations started using Cosmos database with their organization. When we started incorporating Cosmos database into our project we provisioned it…

  • Query Editor – Azure Portal

    An interesting new tool (in preview) added to Azure SQL database. Now Azure portal provides flexibility to query azure sql database from a browser!! Interesting! you can simply connect to Azure portal from any browser, view the database and then launch this tool to get connected to the database.  When you are in support this is…

  • Always Encrypted – An Over View – Part 1

    Always encrypted is a new feature introduced to encrypt the  in rest as well as during transport. It’s been quite long time the feature has been released to general public. In this encryption method the encryption will be done at the client side. Encryption keys can be stored in Azure vault, Windows certificate store in client server or in hardware module.…

  • SSIS 2014 Execution Error while validating Script Component

    It’s been so long after my last article. Looks like I been lazy for few years now 🙂 I assume lot of people using  SSIS package deployment utility after they support project deployment model. I always use the ispac for easier deployment though it doesn’t support environments variables in deployment. Today we deployed a project to our environment…