Category: General

  • xSQL Data Compare for SQL Server – Version 4

    The xSQL Data Compare tool has proved extremely useful for database administrators who are required to compare, replicate and generate data using an SQL Server database. It is already widely used throughout the world, but there is now an updated version available, version 4, which promises to offer a number of improvements.

  • What’s FileTable – Part 1

    Filetable is a new feature in SQL Server 2012 which allows application to access files that’s stored in disk via SQL Server, that’s the main function. In other words you can store files and directories to windows NTFS folders and these files can be accessed non transactional from application like regular file system. FileTables act…

  • Pagination in Result Set – OFFSET \ FETCH – SQL Server 2012

    Today I’m going to discuss another new feature in SQL Server 2012. Pagination in result set is a new feature in SQL Server 2012. ORDER BY clause in SQL Server 2012 is enhanced with additional parameters that is OFFSET and FETCH. Using this parameter allows you to fetch data from a particular page from result…

  • SPARSE Column

    Happy New Year My dear Friends It’s  been a long this feature has been released however I just got an opportunity to check it out. This feature is released in SQL Server 2008 version. Sparse columns are normal columns which will store NULL values in a optimized storage which means no storage space is taken…