Category: Performance Tunning

  • Index usage

    I have used the Contact table with person schema which is residing in AdventureWorks database for testing the index usage. I am describing the scenarios and places where index seek or scan will be used.

  • Index with Included columns

    Included column is a new feature in SQL Server 2005. When you add a column as an Included column, it gets stored at the leaf level of the index and it is not part of the index key. This only works for non-clustered indexes.

  • Indexes

    Indexes are used to speedup data access in the database. By using them one can quickly find the data in a table without having to read all the data from the tables. The index structure resembles an inverse tree similar to a directory structure. This tree begins with the 1st page of an index which…

  • Filtered Index – SQL Server 2008

    Introduction: Filtered index concept is new feature added from SQL Server 2008. A filtered index is an optimized nonclustered index, especially suited to cover queries that select from a well-defined subset of data. It uses a filter predicate to index a portion of rows in the table.

  • Performance Counters

    Few of my friends who wish to do a performance tuning in their servers, they asked me what are the counters that they should check that gave me an idea to prepare this document and publish across.