Category: DBA

  • New DMV’s in SQL Server 2011 aka Denali

    Denali CTP3 is already released and we have new DMV’s accompanied with this version which will be very useful for us. I’m going to cover the DMV that are all generic and not to a specific feature of Denali, I’ll will cover those DMV’s while writing article on that feature. There are around 8 DMV’s…

  • How Much Memory is Needed Taken for My Database Backup

    In this article I will try and cover the concepts in understanding the amount of memory or buffers required for completing a database backup. I would be using a couple of trace flags to get that detail and further discuss two of the parameters MAXTRANSFERSIZE and BUFFERCOUNT in the BACKUP DATABASE TSQL syntax which will…


    DBCC CHECKDB & READ ONLY DATABASES: Can you run a checkdb command on Read-only databases? If yes, does this get logged into boot page of the database? If checkdb finds an error can it fix on a read-only database? These were some of the questions running through my mind as I manage some read-only databases…

  • Performance Data Collector

    Last month Ive wrote an article on Performance Data Collector part one, I thought of writing part 2 soon however I was stuck with Organizing SQL Code Camp with my fellow MVP Deepak & Sugesh. Now its almost a month so thought of writing the second part. In this part we are going to see…

  • Performance Data Collector

    Performance Data Collector is one of the new features thats accompanied from SQL Server 2008. If you are a DBA , you know its very hard to get performance data from necessary inputs. We will get the data from Perfmon (system monitor), profiler, DMV etc and correlating this data is very hard, implementing the same…