• Formatting Data in SQL Server Denali using FORMAT function

    Today we are going to see another new function introduced in SQL Server Denali. It’s nothing but the FORMAT function.This will be very useful feature to format any data in SQL Server. In previous versions we will be using CONVERT function to do some styling in date time etc. However in Denali for sure this…

  • DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS function – SQL Server Denali

    This function is also new to SQL Server denali however this function got some more arguments compared to DATETIMEFROMPARTS function. I’m not sure how frequently we will use this as it’s more precise to give you the values.  If the arguments are not valid then an error is raised or if the argument is NULL…

  • DATETIMEFROMPARTS function – SQL Server Denali

    This function is new to SQL Server denali to return datetime value from the input given. This function is similar to DATETIME2FROMPARTS  however here we don’t have fractions and precision argument instead we have milliseconds argument here.  If the arguments are not valid then an error is raised or if the argument is NULL then…

  • DATETIME2FROMPARTS function – SQL Server Denali

    We have one more new date time function in Denali. DATETIME2FROMPARTS is the function name which is used to returns datetime2 value for the input value given.  If the arguments are not valid then an error is raised or if the argument is NULL then it will return a NULL value. This function is to…

  • SQL Server Joins

    SQL Server joins are required to retrieve data from one or more tables to get a single result set. Joins are needed when Normalization enforced in design. When you normalize the data you be reducing redundancy in data by placing data in different tables and also you will be creating relationship between the tables. With…