This script gives a out script that can be used to script out the existing user permissions in a database.This is compatible only to SQL 2005.
SET NOCOUNT ON PRINT 'Column Level Privileges to the User:' SELECT 'grant '+privilege_type+' on '+table_schema+'.'+table_name+' ('+column_name+') to ['+grantee+']'+ CASE IS_GRANTABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN ' With GRANT OPTION' ELSE '' END FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES PRINT 'Table Level Privileges to the User:' SELECT 'grant '+privilege_type+' on '+table_schema+'.'+table_name+' to ['+grantee+']' + CASE IS_GRANTABLE WHEN 'YES' THEN ' With GRANT OPTION' ELSE '' END FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_PRIVILEGES PRINT 'Privileges for Procedures/Functions to the User:' SELECT 'grant execute on ''.'' to '+USER_NAME(b.grantee_principal_id)+ CASE STATE WHEN 'W' THEN ' with grant option' ELSE '' END FROM sys.all_objects a, sys.database_permissions b, sys.schemas c WHERE a.object_id = b.major_id AND a.type IN ('P','FN') AND b.grantee_principal_id<>0 AND b.grantee_principal_id <>2 AND a.schema_id=c.schema_id
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