Month: October 2015

  • Issues restoring SQL Azure bacpac due to QueryStoreStaleQueryThreshold

    In our environment we have inhouse and SQL Azure databases. We will be refreshing the DEV environments weekly once from the production SQL Azure databases. As you know backups are taken care by Azure itself, so we can simply add the storage in our inhouse server and extract it as data tier application.

  • SQL Azure – Dynamic Data Masking

    Yesterday i covered what’s data masking and how can we implement in SQL Server 2016. Today I would like to continute the same topic in SQL Azure.

  • SQL Server 2016 – Dynamic Data Masking

    SQL Server 2016 – Dynamic Data Masking

    One of the new feature that’s being developed with SQL Server 2016. If you are a DBA then you will like this feature very much. In the real world when you move the data from production to development or uat server we are supposed to obfuscate the data so that the developer wont see the…

  • SSIS Error Code 0xC02092B4

    I was working on a SSIS package in SQL 2014 which was working there without any issues. Due to few factors we need to downgrade to work in SQL Server 2008 R2 for few months. I developed the packages in SQL 2008 BIDS and deployed. No changes done to any of the database objects as…

  • Backup Report

    I was working on one the project and they were looking for a backup report which should specify whether it’s physical or logical and few more details. Whatever data I fetched looks good and I felt the same can be helpful for you guys to pull it as a report. If you need any more…